A-TACS Camo systems are created utilizing proprietary algorithms that create organically shaped pixels to reduce acquisition times both by increasing the pattern depth with enhanced color layering and to minimize hard edges within each respective pattern. A-TACS offers a full spectrum of multi environmental solutions to cover any worldwide area of operation.


A-TACS Camo is a pioneer in the development of fully customized concealment solutions suited to any environmental area of operation. Recognized worldwide as an industry leader in the development and implementation of effective concealment solutions, its patterns are used by Specialized Military Units, Three-letter Governmental Agencies, OGAs and Contractors.


A-TACS AU Camo (Arid Urban) was developed by Digital Concealment Systems, (DCS) to answer the call for better and more effective camouflage system integration for Special Operations personnel in any service branch from military to law enforcement. A-TACS AU is designed as a universal pattern for a wide range of operational environments with additional supporting color and design variants following its initial introduction.

A-TACS Camo was the first pattern in a new class of hybrid patterns that fit into neither category and addressed and improved on the old style designs in three ways.

1. – Replace un-natural square pixels with organic pixels. Utilizing a unique process, we created a palette of natural colors digitally sampled from real-world elements in carefully controlled lighting. The pattern is then created using a mathematical algorithm that writes “organically-shaped” pixels using the specific color information given. The resulting pattern while still digital, is far more organic in appearance.

2. – Use small patterns to create larger more distinct shapes designed to work at a distance.  Small shapes create larger shapes and larger shapes are organized into a distinct pattern with no horizontal or vertical orientation. This unique “pattern within a pattern” concept allows A-TACS® to effectively break the human outline at great distances thereby, minimizing the “blobbing” effect of other patterns when viewed from a distance.

3. – More effective use of color-range produces a better concealment system. A-TACS® is created using a far greater range of inter-mingled natural colors than was previously possible.  The overall base color for the cast is a neutral tan which is designed for use in open, rocky or arid environments.

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