For the CAG Impressionists out there!

My friend Kross Konn aka nospecificnamegiven has some of the coolest kit builds when it comes down to US Special Forces Units in regards of impression for reenactment/battle display use. It’s my pleasure to have him as a close partner of AMNB and together, we bring those of our readers, interested in such kits, usable for their own inspiration the “GUCCI Gear” delivered right at your screen!

You can thank us later… ENJOY!

CAG inspired KIT Impression

The kit you’re looking at is dated back into the era of 2008 except the boots, those are from the 2011’s when CAG was doing “prime time business” during the GWOT.


The 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment–Delta (1st SFOD-D), referred to as Delta ForceCombat Applications Group (CAG), or within Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), Task Force Green, is a special operations force of the United States Army, under operational control of JSOC. The unit’s missions primarily involve counterterrorism, hostage rescue, direct action, and special reconnaissance, often against high-value targets. This is the TIER1 Operator!!


  • MSA Tan TC2002 Helmet with
  • MSA Chin Strap and Pads
  • Anvis6/9 Mount, AGMA ANVIS Ground Mount Adapter and Anvis Two Holes Mount
  • Anvis LPBP and VIP IR Strobe
  • Heavy Duty Retention Elastic Bungee  Cord w Hooks
  • Black Diamond Ion HeadLight
  • Casio DW6900 G-Shock Watch
  • Paraclete AOR1 SOF BDU
  • Paraclete CVC Coyote Brown
  • Camelbak Mule Black Hydration
  • Crye AOR1 Rack w Crye 330d AOR1 Pouches
  • TRI PRC148 w Thales Speaker Mic and TCI Earbud Earpiece
  • Oakley SI Factory Pilot Gloves Tan
  • BHI Coyote Belt w OD Safety Retention Lanyard and Chemlight Sticks
  • Holster w Glock 22 GBB w Docter Stight and SureFire X200 Flashlight
  • HK416 AEG w oldGen B5 Sopmod Stock, LA5 PEQ (replica), Surefire 6P FlashLight w IR Filter, Aimpoint Comp M Red Dot w Low Profile Mount on LaRue LT101 Riser, KAC QD Suppressor (Dummy)
  • Asolo Fugitive GTX Boots


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