User Determined Connection Single Point Sling
Single point slings are not for everyone, but that did not stop BFG from making the most comfortable and versatile one point sling available they say.
The UDC™ Sling has 2-inch inline padding, similar to the Padded Vickers Slings for extra comfort that ends in two sections of bungee. The bungee has a travel of approximately 2 inches – enough to absorb shock from movement or transitions but short enough to reduce the risk of facial injuries or sagging weapons.
They know some say single point slings are pointless, cumbersome, or ineffective. They also know a lot of guys still use them because that is what they have trained with, that is required by their command, or they have a unique role for them.
So, for those guys – let’s show how they have fit a UDC sling on almost any weapon system.