This is the new Strike Bluetooth Tracker Holder

It happens more often than you think, no one ever plans on losing their guns (unless you’re Hunter Biden)!

Strike Bluetooth Tracker Holder

With it, you can now securely store your AirTags and other Bluetooth Tracker devices in the pistol grips of your most precious guns. Specifically, the Tracker Holder is designed to fit into any Mapgul K2® / MIAD® / MOE® series pistol grip.

So if you’ve been thinking you have too many guns to keep track of, that’s won’t be a problem anymore.

Strike Bluetooth Tracker Holder

Rather than having a Bluetooth Tracker bouncing around your gun case while on the go use this convenient storage device instead! It’s also great for shipping when getting some service work done on your firearms.

Our Strike Holder can take the Apple AirTag, Chipolo ONE, Tile Mate and Tile Mate Pro (2022). Smaller BT Trackers that we haven’t tested may also fit.

Strike Bluetooth Tracker Holder

Get your Strike Tracker Holders today to start keeping track of your gats!

Grab yours >>


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