Our friends from Popular Airsoft send over their Holiday Greetings!
As we spend our holidays in the warmth of our homes, the company of our friends, and wrap ourselves with the loving glow of those who mean much in our lives, we also would like to say thank those who have helped us grow this over the years.
To our sponsors, supporters, and friends in the airsoft industry who have willingly provided the means for us to continue our publication, may you find the Holiday season as the season of love and hope and may the new year bring you even more opportunities, room for growth, and the inspiration to provide something more awesome for the airsoft community.
To our readers who without them, Popular Airsoft would cease to exist. May this season provide you the peace to reflect on the past months on how the airsoft hobby has molded you into a better person and may next year be filled with even more exciting things in airsoft.
Happy Holidays!
The Popular Airsoft Team