At the second day at IWA 2012 we´ve visit the booth of REVISION. We talked to Frank Cremanns (International Sales Manager) about their new eyewear products for 2012. He said: There´s one new “upgraded” eyeshield coming up. REVISION current ship it out to the troops here in Germany (Bundeswehr) because they had won their advertisement. The German Army ordred 250 000 pices for their Soilders and put them in their “personal protection kit”. The new one is a upgraded “Sawfly” and it is available in two different styles as you can see on the first picture below. The main difference between them is the shape of the glass. The left one is for Europe/International the right for the US.
REVISION produce the Sawfly also in three sizes: small, regular & large (click here to few the sizing guide). Another nice feature is, that the glass turn into black if you stay outside at a sunny day. Time it needs is about 4sec.!!! If you go into a house or a dark place the glass turnes back into clear in about 5-6 sec.! Outstanding feature we mean & that´s important in a real life combat situation.
Also new is, that the upgraded Sawfly has a “laser protection class kit” but that´s only for the Law Enforcement/Military. Privat customers can not buy this kit! The frame it self can be twisted and turns back to normal. For “ops core helmet” users: a extra rail mount to fit the Sawfly at the rails is also included in the box. Outstanding too!!!
We incl. you a picture from the twisted frame and some pictures which showes the difference from the new Sawfly class between a other manufacturer. To get all MIL testing features about the new eyeshield from REVISION – stay tuned for more news from them. In our picture galley below we show you also one picture from the new velcro system for REVISION goggles, which allowes you to remove the goggle very fast by pull it down at one side. Frank told us that this system is current in use by the German GSG9.
Click here to see the Gallery.