
Dear Friends, We hope you are doing well upon reading this email. If you haven’t heard about this airsoft gathering that will take place during the IWA 2013 & Outdoor Classics, here’s the full information and we hope that you find time to attend this event. You can also read this at the Popular Airsoft website.

The Airsoft Meetup will again happen on the 40th IWA & Outdoor Classics in NürnbergMesse, in Nuremberg, Germany on the 10th of March 2013. Together with NLAirsoft and other supporters of the airsoft community, this will be a day that we can all look forward to, especially for the airsoft media based in Europe.

So what can you expect from the Airsoft Meetup? Just like last year, here’s why:

EXHIBITORS (Airsoft Manufacturers, Tactical Gear Makers, Distributors etc.)
If you are an exhibitor at the IWA 2012 & Outdoor Classics with the airsoft market as one of your segments, you are invited to join us and mingle and given the opportunity to present your products or plans either via slide presentation or a “show and tell” to the airsoft media and other interested individuals and purchasers. If you intend to give a presentation, please contact us immediately so that we can schedule it. We are not yet sure about the length of your presentation, but please assume that this will be more an informal atmosphere.

If you sell airsoft or tactical products in your home market, then you can watch the wholesalers, distributors, and manufacturers in one place. This will help in making purchasing decisions, and also a best way to link up with brands and products that you may want to stock and sell.

If you sell airsoft or tactical products in your home market, then you can watch the wholesalers, distributors, and manufacturers in one place. This will help in making purchasing decisions, and also a best way to link up with brands and products that you may want to stock and sell.

This meet-up is also for the airsoft media such as magazines, blogs, and news sites to touch base and compare notes with one another. Most have been cooperative with one another, and this meetup will help them discuss in an informal way on how to improve airsoft reporting for the airsoft community and the general public.

You’re also welcome to attend and watch since after all, you’re the main target market for the abovementioned groups. So if you want to look at the latest presentations and plans, then you might want to include the airsoft meetup in your schedule whilst attending IWA 2013 & Outdoor Classics.

The meetup is limited to 40 spaces, with a priority given to those who want to make a presentation and the airsoft media. But we’ll keep you posted if this number can be increased as we’re still in the finalisation stages for the meetup and the room can accommodate a far larger number of attendees. Please contact us or NLAirsoft immediately if you want to attend the meetup.


Here are the details: iwa_2012_hongkongroom
IWA 2013 & Outdoor Classics Airsoft Meetup
10 March 2011 (Sunday)
1300 to 1600H
Hongkong Room
Level 1, Nürnberg Convention East

Please stay tuned for updates such as changes to schedule and attendance. Attached in this email is the location of the Hongkong Room.

See you at the Airsoft Meetup. The Popular Airsoft Team (Popular Airsoft)


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