How to get the best taste out of MIL-COFFEE?

The guys over at just released a short video about MIL-COFFEE and how you brew it correct “outdoors” to avoid bad taste and other mistakes that could result into having a coffee that’s not what you call a coffee. Tune in and find out what they have to say or read their tips below if you like to.


Coffee is too bitter? This usually happens if coffee has been in a contact with water for too long. Or coffee has been ground too fine. Or overall brewing time was too long.

Coffee is under-extracted?

This usually happens if you grind coffee too coarse. Or brew time is too quick. What happens if you pour water too fast? It may cause coffee to be under-extracted, it will be too watery. Acidity will be overwhelming and coffee will be with lack of sweetness.

What happens if you pour water too slow?

It may cause coffee to be over-extracted, it will be too bitter, not balanced in a taste. Coffee will be too uniform, nothing special but intense and taste will be a bit muddy.

What happens if drip time is too long than needed?

If extraction time will be too long, you will get too bitter taste in the cup. This usually happens if coffee was ground too fine – adjust grind setting to coarser and try again! Be sure you followed all brewing techniques. Be critical of your grinder – is it evenly ground, or some coffee grounds finer and some coarser? If it’s not even you will get different result each time.

What happens if drip time is too fast than needed?

Coffee will be watery and flat, in the same time coffee will be too sour (this is because salts and acids are easily extracted and will be the first to melt in water). This usually happens if coffee ground is too coarse – adjust grind setting to finer and try again. Be sure you followed all brewing techniques. Be critical of your grinder – is it evenly ground, or some coffee grounds finer and some coarser? If it’s not even you will get different result each time.

How to know if the water temperature is right for making coffee?

The best if you use kettle where you can set the water temperature. If you have regular kettle, boil the water and wait when it switched off. Then open the cover and wait till all the big bubbles are gone and the water becomes calm. That is the moment when you have approximately 95 C and you can start to brew your daily dose of coffee.

Gets yours here >>


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