Introducing the RECCE Rig
The RECCE Rig was made to be worn high on the chest and out of the way of your ruck’s kidney pad/waist strap. The Rig is easily adjustable and allows you to carry 8 STANAG/AR15 type magazines with extra MOLLE space for radios and other pouches.
The RECCE Rig was specifically designed for light reconnaissance work and mountain fighting. From the harness to the height of the rig, everything was designed to be worn when using heavy packs/rucks in adverse terrain while carrying a full combat load of magazines. This was designed to be worn on its own or over a slick plate carrier.
The founder of Onward Research designed this rig after spending multiple years wearing chest rigs and heavy packs trudging up and down mountains in every environment imaginable. In many ways this rig takes heavy influence off of the venerable bush war rigs. There are several important notes about this rig, so let’s get into it.
M81 Woodland will be releasing along with a restock of multicam today the company announced.