Welcome to Issue 118 of the world’s most popular airsoft publication!
This issue sees the launch of The AA LEGION RED CELL, something never before seen in airsoft! Turn to Page 34 to find out more!
If guns are your thing then we have got three awesome pieces of hardware for you to drool over: G&G’s sublime TR16 SBR MKII, Specna Arms’ hard-hitting SA-249 and ICS’ modern classic, the CXP-ARK!
We’ve got something really special for Kit & Gear fans too, as Bill re-creates a loadout from the TV series “The Last Ship” and also brings us a round-up of what’s caught his eye over the last month.
As we haven’t been able to shoot in groups, in order to keep our skills up to scratch many of us have taken to target shooting and Bill gives us the lo-down on the latest Range Gear from Helikon-Tex, plus discusses the contentious subject of “Licencing”.
Meanwhile, Chris Wray joined a select group of players and gives us his report from a “Western Airsoft” event, complete with a custom-built Old West town and Frenchie goes “In Search of the Weird”!
We hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we did creating it for you!
The AA Team.