This is the pilot episode of the documentary series ‘The No-mad Chronicles’ titled ‘Contractor: The Brother’s Keeper’ co-produced by Mihail Kunchev’s Bag of Bones™ Productions, and Hazard 4® California – Progressive Tactical Gear.

Mihail is a veteran d.p. and director of national t.v. productions based in Europe, a seasoned traveling documentarian chronicalling international martial arts such as b.j.j. and extreme travel destinations from Europe, through the middle east, to Russia and beyond- sleeping on gym mats, buses, ships, around the world to bring back a slice of life from off the beaten path, and producing stories about warriors of all types inhabbiting those places.

This is a first co-production effort from Hazard 4® – an internationally distributed, top echelon designer/manufacturer of cutting edge tactical and rough-travel gear.

As a team we hope that this will be the first in a long line of infotainment centered around the themes and individuals we find fascinating, and that our audience will too- Those places and people that push the limits of human endurance and intelligence, where the decks are stacked against them, and they must persevere and step-up in order to survive and thrive.

That’s the individual Mihail has always admired, and the people for whom Hazard 4® designs.

This first episode, centers around one such man in those types of circumastances – a special forces soldier from Central Europe, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan with coalition forces, experienced terrorism first hand, in an attack that took the lives of his closest allies and friends, then survived to fight another day.

This time as a private military contractor, using his hard-learned lessons and tradecraft to protect instead of closing to engage. You will hear his story in his own words as he tries to dispel the myth of the trained-killer and paid mercenary in a thoughtful examination of his fascinating life and deeply held motivations.

We hope to bring this and other hard hitting stories from real life warriors serving and surviving in different capacities around the globe. Here in the U.S., we have heard many stories in documentaries about U.S. special forces such as the Navy Seals, but there is a lack of accounts from most other places around the world, and how soldiers, and operators of all types work and live. What is similar and different in their lives?

Are their contemporary tactics common in a connected coalition world? Are there philosophies that can be shared and contrasted for mutual benefit? These are some of the questions we hope to ask and hopefully answer in the course of this series, providing some food for thought, as well as action packed entertainment.

The series combines real historical footage and photos, current field cinematography, and reneactments, to tell the recent history and current aftermath of how the elite warrior of today lives and sometimes dies.

We hope to find a wide audience spanning former military and first-responders, to adventure travelers, history buffs, political observers, and those hoping to widen their view of the world. Our dynamic story telling, high quality HD cinematography and sound will pull them into the action in a way that we feel mainstream high-budget broadcast t.v. has done but in a very narrow scope.

Please watch the episodes when they debut right here on the Hazard 4® Media Division Youtube ChaNnel, and of course ‘like’ and ‘subscribe’ to keep the content coming.

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