Exclusive Warrior Talk episode by Lindnerhof


The story of Sepp – the Lindnerhof founder

LENGGRIES, GERMANY (14 December 2023)— Lindnerhof-Taktik is a brand synonymous with high-quality, modular, lightweight, fully functional tactical gear, and now for the first time the man behind the company’s inception will tell his unique story in an all-new episode of the “Warrior Talk” podcast.

Episode host and company CEO Jakob Kolbeck will be joined by founder Josef Sixt—better known as Sepp—who was once a highly trained special-operations professional. Together they will discuss the catalyst for Sepp’s decision to launch Lindnerhof-Taktik.

The story of Sepp - the Lindnerhof founder

According to Sepp, that trigger event came during his deployment to Afghanistan. There, he noticed one of his fellow soldiers impeccably loaded out with a customised selection of first-rate equipment. Seeing this gave Sepp the idea that what every military—and law enforcement—professional needed was functional and efficient gear like that which his colleague carried, only better. Later, Sepp acted on that thought by buying a sewing machine to make gear of his own. It was an acquisition that served to lay the foundation for a thriving new company, Lindnerhof.

The “Warrior Talk” conversation delves into the early challenges faced by Sepp, whose experimental initial designs were brought to life atop a kitchen table with the help of a neighbor experienced in parachute technology. As Sepp tells it, his early production methods evolved by trial and error, but eventually lead to highly creative innovations that allowed users of his offerings to become faster and more effective mission operators.

During the podcast, Sepp ponders the importance of understanding customer problems and then providing relevant solutions. He says this is today a key tenet of the Lindnerhof ethos. He goes on to credit that ethos with having organically transformed his formerly home-based operation into a large company.

Sepp also talks about how the company’s continued growth has enabled him to shift away from certain managerial responsibilities and devote more time to doing what he loves most—developing products. A view long-held by Sepp is that Lindnerhof’s commitment to innovation and problem-solving has fueled the company’s success and enabled it to carve out an enviable niche as a provider of unique and customised solutions for military and law-enforcement professionals.

Lindnerhof Web >> www.lindnerhof-taktik.de

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