EOTECH Distributor Awarded UK MoD Contract for SWESS Light Battle Systems

Plymouth, MI (October 2023) – Viking Arms Ltd, a long-standing distributor in the UK for EOTECH, is proud to announce the award for a seven-year contract framework by the Dismounted Close Combat team, part of the UK Ministry of Defence, for the Procurement and Support of up to a total fleet requirement of 12,000 SWESS Light Battle Systems, subject to financial approval.

EOTECH Awarded UK MoD Contract

As part of the framework, Viking Arms and EOTECH will provide the Holographic Weapon Sight (HWS) EXPS3™ and the G33™ 3x Magnifier as a complete system. The EOTECH HWS is considered the fastest target acquisition CQB weapon sight available with true two eyes open, a proven solution that has been in-service with the UK Ministry of Defence for over 15 years. 

EOTECH President, Dennis Finnegan commented, “We are very honored to be a part of this program.  EOTECH’s history of supporting the United Kingdom’s warfighters along with our partner, Viking Arms, is a point of pride for everyone in our organization. We look forward to continuing to provide our weapon sights, lasers, and sensors that help make the UK Ministry of Defence a more successful and lethal force.”

For more information, please visit EOTECH.

Read more >> www.eotechinc.com

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